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📷 : Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation
Years ago I was lucky enough to spend time with Yvon Chouinard at the iconic clothing brand, Patagonia. We shared hours driving CA Hwy 1 doing everything from surfing to shoveling Yak shit (not a metaphor). Those long drives allowed long discussions of Yvon talking about what authentic caring looks like, and how it behaves. He is relentless in corporate stewardship and environmentalism, everything else can go to hell. “You have to run these things (businesses) like you don’t give a damn.”, he would tell me. I told him he was the most punk rock embodiment I’ve ever seen. The analogy was lost on him, and ingrained on me.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about authentic caring, brands, and why I started this business. Why matters. Why is a required question that allows only one good answer, and that one good answer needs to be the truth. Yvon has environmentalism. It gets him up every morning. He doesn’t fake it. It’s his truth.
While starting CADDIS, I was traveling the Western United States in a bluegrass band. The idea being this plan would simultaneously satisfy my entrepreneurial DNA, and I could still tour with music. Didn’t work out that way…