{{price | money | remove: '.00' }}
Your cart is empty
{{ offer.prompt | newline_to_br }}
{% endif %}{{ offer.prompt | newline_to_br }}
{% endif %} {% for product in offer.products %} {% assign tags = product.tags | split: ',' %} {% for tag in tags %} {% if tag contains 'Origin' %} {% assign ptag = tag %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign productIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% if product.in_cart %}{% continue %}{% endif %} {% unless offer.product_selection == 'all' %} {% if offer.products.size == 1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %}Suggested Products:
{% endif %}Hmm..looks like we don’t have that. Try searching again or check out our popular searches:
{% endif %}Popular Searches:
1. Prescription Type
{% if collection.filters['1-prescription-type'] %} {{ collection.filters['1-prescription-type'].value | split: ':' | last | title | remove: 'Rx'}} {% else %} Select One {% endif %}
{% if collection.filters['1-prescription-type'] %} Edit {% else %} plus {% endif %} minus{{ group.name }}
{% endif %} {% if group.description != blank %}{{ group.description }}
{% endif %} {% if swatches %}2. Frame Color
{% if collection.filters['2-frame-color'] %} {{ collection.filters['2-frame-color'].value | split: ':' | last | title | remove: 'Rx'}} {% else %} Select One {% endif %}
{% if collection.filters['2-frame-color'] %} Edit {% else %} plus {% endif %} minus{{ group.name }}
{% endif %} {% if group.description != blank %}{{ group.description }}
{% endif %} {% if swatches %}3. Lens Material
{% if collection.filters['3-lens-material'] %} {{ collection.filters['3-lens-material'].value | split: ':' | last | title | remove: 'Rx'}} {% else %} Select One {% endif %}
{% if collection.filters['3-lens-material'] %} Edit {% else %} plus {% endif %} minus{{ group.name }}
{% endif %} {% if group.description != blank %}{{ group.description }}
{% endif %} {% if swatches %}4. Lens Tint
{% if collection.filters['4-lens-tint'] %} {{ collection.filters['4-lens-tint'].value | split: ':' | last | title | remove: 'Rx'}} {% else %} Select One {% endif %}
{% if collection.filters['4-lens-tint'] %} Edit {% else %} plus {% endif %} minus{{ group.name }}
{% endif %} {% if group.description != blank %}{{ group.description }}
{% endif %} {% if swatches %}4. Lens Color
{% if collection.filters['4-lens-color'] %} {{ collection.filters['4-lens-color'].value | split: ':' | last | title | remove: 'Rx'}} {% else %} Select One {% endif %}
{% if collection.filters['4-lens-color'] %} Edit {% else %} plus {% endif %} minus{{ group.name }}
{% endif %} {% if group.description != blank %}{{ group.description }}
{% endif %} {% if swatches %}5. Submit Prescription
{% if collection.filters['5-submit-prescription'] %} {{ collection.filters['5-submit-prescription'].value | split: ':' | last | title | remove: 'Rx'}} {% else %} Select One {% endif %}
{% if collection.filters['5-submit-prescription'] %} Edit {% else %} plus {% endif %} minus{{ group.name }}
{% endif %} {% if group.description != blank %}{{ group.description }}
{% endif %} {% if swatches %}6. Frame Size
{% if collection.filters['6-frame-size'] %} {{ collection.filters['6-frame-size'].value | split: ':' | last | title | remove: 'Rx'}} {% else %} Select One {% endif %}
{% if collection.filters['6-frame-size'] %} Edit {% else %} plus {% endif %} minus{{ group.name }}
{% endif %} {% if group.description != blank %}{{ group.description }}
{% endif %} {% if swatches %}A square frame shape ideal for heart, square, and oval faces.